US: Sonoma gets ready to rumble with Napa

Sep 23, 2011

(GalvestonDailyNews) - There are rivalries that stand the test of time. The Hatfields vs the McCoys. La Marque vs. Texas City. And when it comes to wine, Sonoma Valley vs. Napa Valley. Sure, it’s not as heated a rivalry as say the annual Battle by the Bay football game between La Marque and Texas City, but this weekend the fury that is the battle for the best wine region in California will be on display — and in glasses — at the Kemah Boardwalk. “Sonoma is a more agrarian, while Napa is more lifestyle-oriented,” Joel Peterson, founder of Sonoma Valley-based Ravenswood Winery, said. “Sonoma is a very heterogeneous (diverse) culture where Napa is big, expensive wineries run by people who have wine as a lifestyle. There is a formalized and moneyed kind of approach to the world in Napa Valley. In Sonoma, we joke that it’s the Disneyazation of wine.”

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