US: The wine industry reports to the world

Sep 22, 2011

(NapaValleyRegister) - Two events in the last week gave the wine industry a look at this year’s harvest, and also took a look into the business’ future. First, last week, the Napa Valley Grapegrowers held a press conference to discuss the harvest — “late and light.” In “normal” years, the timing would have placed it in the middle of the crush, but this year, not much is happening yet. Spring rains at an inopportune time hampered pollination of the grapes, reducing potential yield, though secondary buds may help overcome some of that loss. Then a cool summer delayed ripening, though this week’s head spike should help. The good news is that “hanging” on the vine a long time generally leads to more intense flavors, while the cool weather holds down sugar and helps maintain desired acidity in the grapes.

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