Dom Joly: Only in France do they run marathons fuelled by wine

Sep 18, 2011

(TheIndependent) - Last week I was filming in and around a lovely, hot Bordeaux. On my second day there, after a strenuous day at "wine school" (who knew such a wonderful institution existed?), I came across the Marathon Du Medoc. Why have I never heard of this event before? I normally loathe marathons with their "look at me, I'm doing stuff for charideeee" overload, coupled with that organised "we're having fun" spirit that never fails to annoy. This event however, has a cunning twist. Runners are steered through some of the top chateaux in Bordeaux where they are not offered water or high-energy drinks at the roadside – they are offered wine.

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Sep 18, 2011

This will be interesting to try :)

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