Bordeaux 2011: Crop damaged as hail hits northern Medoc

Sep 5, 2011

Chateau Cos d'Estournel and Cos Labory have lost vines to hail as storms swept Bordeaux - with more predicted for the weekend. Although the storms were localised, Saint Estephe and Pauillac were particularly badly hit, with estimates of up to 900 hectares of vines damaged following a short storm around 11am Friday morning. Pessac Leognan, Grezillac in Entre-Deux-Mers, and Saint Andre de Cubzac have also suffered damage. Bernard Audoy, owner of Cos Labory and president of the Saint Estephe appellation told a local newspaper that he had never seen the Cos plateau so badly affected, with both his vines and neighbouring Cos d'Estournel suffering loss of leaves and damage to berries.

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