US: California Tests New Wine Types

Aug 18, 2011

arlier, Calif.—Petit Verdot, Tannat, Malbec and Durif (Petite Sirah) can produce high-quality grapes and wine in the San Joaquin Valley, according to a field trial of 20 red winegrape varieties at the University of California’s Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center (KAREC) in Fresno County. Results of this Phase 1 variety trial, an update on a newer Phase 2 field trial with 55 varieties, and development and introduction of new nematode-resistant rootstocks were highlights of the biennial Kearney Grape Day held Aug. 16 by UC Cooperative Extension. The program was organized and hosted by UC Davis extension specialist Dr. Matthew Fidelibus and Fresno County extension viticulture advisor Steve Vasquez.

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