AUS: Expensive drop as forklift shatters $1.1 mln wine

Jul 22, 2011

(AFP) — An Australian winemaker said Friday he was "numb" after a malfunctioning forklift destroyed more than Aus$1 million ($1.1 million) of his prized shiraz. Some 462 cases of the 2010 Mollydooker Velvet Glove Shiraz, which sells for Aus$185 a bottle, smashed to the ground as it was being loaded for export to the United States. It cost winemaker Sparky Marquis one third of his annual production. "So how do I feel? Gut-wrenched, shocked, numb," he told reporters. "When they opened up the container they said it was like a murder scene," he added. "There was red everywhere.

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