US: Privatization of the PA Wine and Spirits Shops is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

Jul 14, 2011

/PRNewswire/ -- The misguided attempt to dismantle the PA Wine and Spirits Shops would cost more than 5,000 Pennsylvanians their jobs and badly-needed revenue that now funds vital state programs, the leaders of the PA CLEAR Coalition said today. "It makes no sense to break up a public asset that generates significant revenue and provides good paying jobs for Pennsylvania workers. Why would anyone want to add to the ranks of our unemployment at anytime – much less in the midst of a brutal recession," said David Fillman, Executive Director of AFSCME Council 13 and Chair of the CLEAR Coalition. "Lawmakers should focus their attention on fixing our state economy and on making sure our state generates enough tax revenue to fund key programs. Selling off an asset that works for all Pennsylvania defies common sense."

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