New wine anti-fraud measures introduced

Mar 10, 2011

Two new wine anti-fraud measures were announced this week, the first being atomic testing which uses radioactive carbon dioxide to help determine the vintage. Australian scientists say that measuring the amount of C-14 – or radiocarbon – in a wine, it can help determine whether it is really from the vintage stated on the label. Between the 1940s and 1960s, atomic testing released C-14 into the atmosphere, which has since been diluted by CO2 from burning fossil fuels. Other events such as the 1986 Chernobyl disaster also contributed to the level of C-14 in the background. Grapevines have absorbed some of the C14, and their fruit when transformed into wine contains the same age ‘fingerprint’ as the vines. The method was tested on 20 Australian red wines made between 1958 and 1997 and found accurate to within a year.

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