California Boosts 2010 U.S. Wine Exports To Record Year

Feb 22, 2011

/PRNewswire/ -- U.S. wine exports, 90 percent from California, rebounded to a new record of $1.14 billion in winery revenues in 2010, an increase of 25.6 percent over 2009 wine exports. Volume shipments rose 1.9 percent to 425.5 million liters or 47.3 million nine-liter cases. "This positive news indicates that our goal of $2 billion in wine export revenues by 2020 is achievable," said Robert P. (Bobby) Koch, Wine Institute President and CEO. "California is the fourth largest wine producer in the world. Our continued work advocating for a level playing field in trade matters and the creative, long-term marketing investments by our wineries will enable us to reach our goal."

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