Mediation for Wine Industry Disputes

Feb 7, 2011

How grapegrowers, wineries and suppliers can work together to avoid litigation.With reduced demand and prices for North Coast winegrapes—and a spreading rash of winery defaults, foreclosures and bankruptcies unsettling the business—”The last couple of years have been a challenging time for grapegrowers, wineries and other small businesses in the wine industry. In tough times, you end up with more disputes,” according to Richard Keenan of Keenan Mediation. A grower/seller of premium winegrapes in Sonoma County, Keenan spent 32 years as a litigating attorney specializing in commercial business disputes. He’s also a trained mediator, and so at the Sonoma County Winegrape Commission’s Dollars and $ense seminar last month, Keenan discussed mediation for the wine industry. “I thought it could be beneficial, especially for those who are reluctant to go to court with their disputes,” he told Wines & Vines.

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