Regular Red Wine Boosts Fertility Among Women: Research

Oct 29, 2017

(PerfScience) - Regular consumption of red wine has been linked to many health benefits in the past. A new research has now linked regular red wine consumption to better fertility among women. The research team at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri suggests that due to high amount of resveratrol, red wine protects cells from biological stress and boosts fertility.

The study team analyzed results for 135 women between aged between 18 and 44 years. Study participants were asked to keep record of their consumption of red wine, white wine, alcohol and beer. With ultrasound scanners, the research team counted each woman’s antral follicles, a proxy for the number of eggs she had left for the future.

The study team found that women drinking regular red wine had better ovarian reserve. Women with more than five servings of red wine registered better ovarian reserve compared to women who consumed no or less amount of red wine each month. Similar benefits were not noticed for women who consumed white wine. The study team also considered factors as age and overall health among study participants and confirmed that consumption of red wine offered fertility boost.

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