Why mental health and wine can be awkward bedfellows

Aug 20, 2017

(The-buyer) - The wine industry is a tough one for those suffering from mental health issues – it features long and irregular hours, average wages and…. lots of alcohol. In his typically honest manner, Mike Turner talks frankly about his own mental health condition and how a change in perspective has helped him live with it – primarily by being open and talking to people about it.

Opening up to people about a mental health condition can be as awkward as asking them to check out a “nasty wart on your penis” but that doesn’t stop it being the most effective start to learning how to live with the problem.

This could be a very boring piece of writing for a lot of you. I fully expect a lot of eye-rolling and scepticism. But you know what? I couldn’t give a shit. I want to write this piece for everyone out there who is suffering from a mental health condition.

Whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, whether anyone else knows or they don’t, it’s invariably a very normal reaction to a very abnormal situation, and you’re not and will never be alone. And the wine industry, for all its glorious luxuries, is just a rife as anywhere else.

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