Mixed drinks, beer and cider volumes slip as wine grows slightly

Jun 1, 2017

(CNBC) - Liquid consumption of beer, cider and mixed drinks was down last year in the U.S., and lower-priced brands faced a tougher time with consumers, according to a new report.

At the same time, tequila posted record volumes for the year and its growth beat most other beverage alcohol categories, according to IWSR's 2016 U.S. Beverage Alcohol Review.

Overall, the IWSR report found total beverage alcohol consumption growth domestically last year was down less than 1 percent, when measured in nine-liter case equivalents. However, it predicted "a return to growth for total U.S. beverage alcohol" starting in 2018 and sees the category reaching a compound annual growth rate of 0.2 percent by 2021.

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