Cannabis Country: Wine and Weed

May 30, 2017

(SonomaWest) - Wine and weed come together at Santa Rosa symposium

George Christie began to drink wine in moderation as a college student in New Jersey, which calls itself “The Garden State” and though it has beautiful farms, it’s not known for vines and wines. “It was probably a Gallo jug wine that I tasted that first time,” Christie told me in his office in Healdsburg, a town that definitely has a reputation for fine wines and fine foods, and that might one day lure tourists to enjoy cannabis.

Christie didn’t really begin to appreciate wine until he moved to California; it wasn’t until he took a job at Korbel that he realized the joys and pleasures of food and wine parings. “It helped that we had a great chef cooking a multi-course dinner,” he says, and still remembers the bouquets and the flavors.

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