The Vineyardless Vintner: The Benefits of Owning a Virtual Winery

May 11, 2017

(BTN) - There is the scenic route and then there is the freeway. Each person rolls their own way, so it's best for you to figure out the path you would like to take. If you decide to take on the role of the Vineayrdless Vintner, here's what you need to know.

Starting a winery from scratch isn’t an easy task. Rather, it’s a time-consuming and expensive process that requires patience and a large bank account to fund the effort. Wannabe winemakers need to purchase land on which to grow their grapes, as well as equipment to process them.

After they’ve dreamed up a product and started manufacturing it, the next hurdle is time: they can’t sell a single bottle until the wine has had time to age.

This is why many entrepreneurs have decided to skip all of the above and open a virtual winery. With no vineyards to operate, they’re able to focus on what really matters – marketing and selling an amazing product.

Owning a virtual winery allows entrepreneurs to experience all of the romance of customizing a brand-new wine without having to purchase the real estate. There’s no need to own land and no need to purchase and maintain equipment. Another benefit to owning a virtual winery is it jumpstarts the manufacturing process; there is no years-long wait to age and finally sell the product.

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