Why wine gives you a headache – and how to avoid it

Dec 10, 2016

(Independent) - Ask any expert the best way to avoid an infamous wine headache and they’ll simply tell you to lay off the booze, but it turns out there could be a legitimate reason for your brain pain, aside from over doing it.

If that feeling when your head starts pounding and you’re desperate for a glass of water is all too familiar you might be falling victim to some of wine's major culprits. 

Some believe that post-wine headaches are caused by sulphites but this myth has since been debunked by experts. Instead, we should be pointing the finger at tannins, histamines and sugar, according to Vinepair.

Tannins are antioxidants which naturally occur in grape skins, seeds and stems, and are the reason for that drying sensation in your mouth after a healthy swill of wine.

For the majority, tannins will have no effect but for some they could be the cause of a heavy head.

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