Does the color of your wine influence your hangover?

Aug 18, 2016

(Today) - There's no doubt drinking too much wine will lead to a ferocious headache the next morning, but is the type or even color of the wine you drink a factor in that hangover?

Maybe, according to research conducted by Steve Allsop, director of the National Drug Research Institute at Curtin University in Perth, Australia.

"Some people find that drinks with high levels of congeners make them feel worse. And there is some evidence supporting this," said Allsop. Congeners give color and flavor to various alcoholic drinks. Drinks high in congeners tend to be darker (like red wine, brandy or whisky).

Allsop noted a study that closely examined congeners as a potential factor in the severity of your hangover.

In the study, drinkers participated in two drinking nights: Bourbon or vodka with a placebo the following night, randomized for type and order. After those two nights, people who drank the bourbon (higher in congeners) had worse hangovers.

There are other reasons the color of your wine may lead to different reactions.

"The percentage of alcohol is one factor: White wines usually contain between 9 to 14 percent, like a German Riesling, which has 8 to 9 percent, whereas reds can contain between 12-16 percent," said Gino Santangelo, sommelier of The Forge, located in Miami Beach.

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