The truth about that glass of red wine

Jul 22, 2016

(NZHerald) - Drinking alcohol causes at least seven kinds of cancer, according to a review of studies.

Researchers said that even people who drink low levels are at risk of developing the disease - wiping out the idea that a glass of red wine is good for you.

Alcohol causes cancer of the mouth and throat, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, bowel and breast, and "probably others", the scientists found.

Professor Jennie Connor, of the University of Otago Medical School in New Zealand, reviewed recent studies and found alcohol is estimated to have caused 500,000 deaths since 2012, which is 5.8 per cent of all cancer deaths.

She said: "There is strong evidence that alcohol causes cancer at seven sites, and probably others." She added the risks are reduced for some cancers when people stop drinking altogether.

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