West Australian wine industry begins 2016 harvest after mixed growing season

Feb 14, 2016

(ABC) - Harvest for the 2016 vintage is underway in Western Australia with producers grateful for strong finish to the growing season.

Winemakers say recent hot weather across the south west of the state has been a gift, after heavy rains threatened the start to harvest.

The heavy rain that fell in mid-January had the potential to disrupt quality and could have created pest issues, just as many vineyards were about to start picking.

But a recent heat wave has helped improve vineyard conditions and has even brought on a particularly early start to harvest, according to some winemakers.

Margaret River winemaker Virginia Willcock said she began harvesting white varieties at the end of January, which according to her was a relatively early start to the season.

Ms Willcock said she started picking Chardonnay and also small quantities of Sauvignon Blanc, which was "really unusual".

"But the sugars and the pH is starting to come up," she said.

"And the flavours are fantastic, so you've just got to pick it."

According to Ms Willcock the January rainfall was not welcome, but it arrived with enough time for issues to clear up before harvest began in earnest.

"The reds were only just starting to change colour, so it was a beautiful little drink while they were undergoing an intense change," she said.

"The whites, it will probably dilute some a little bit and it did put a bit of disease pressure on.

"But the beauty was the following weather dried everything out, sun came out and disease pressure was taken off."

Ms Willcock said she expected fruit quality to result in "quite a high acid year", which would create "quite crisp wines".

But she said that was a positive outcome because crisp, acidic wines were popular.

Rain timing key in lead up to ripening

To the north of Margaret River, Boyanup producers Julie and Phil Hutton are still several weeks away from harvesting their merlot grapes.

Mr Hutton said they were lucky they had only just started the ripening period, known as veraison, when the heavy rains hit in January, as any later and the wet weather would have had a more damaging effect on the fruit.

According to him their vines have actually benefited from water that has soaked through after that rain event.

"We haven't irrigated [the vines] since and it looks like it will be a fair while before we need to again," he said.

While rainfall had the potential to affect fruit quality, given the red varieties were further away from harvest, Mr Hutton did not anticipate quality issues.

Ms Hutton said they expect to begin harvest in the first week of March, which she said was consistent with previous years.

"The longer we keep the fruit on the vines, the more chance it has for the flavours to develop," she said.

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