Wine Bottle Fire Extinguisher Camouflages Your Safety Equipment

Dec 21, 2015

(OhGizmo) - The best place to keep a fire extinguisher is somewhere where you can reach for it quickly. But, in the name of keeping an aesthetically pleasing environment, we tend to hide them in cabinets, under the sink, or someplace out of sight. That could add a few seconds of frantic looking around until you can save your home from a fire. So to solve this issue, The Wine Bottle Fire Extinguisher looks like a standard bottle of red wine, and would look just fine sitting among your carefully thought out decor. Of course, in your panic you’ll have to remember to reach for this rather than your fancy Bordeaux, but we think it’s a decent effort to combine form with function. It’s $149 and comes in a nice wooden gift box.

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