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Stephen Hemmert "Oasis Vineyard"

Vintage: 2010

Varietal: Zinfandel

Country: USA

Appellation: Sierra Pelona

Produced By: Reyes Winery

Cases Produced: 46 cs.

Alcohol Content: 0.99 %v/v



Head trained small vineyard Zin,
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1 Review(s):

George MacGinnis, Jan 20, 2014
I have been lucky to try some of Stephens wines over the years and I love this one. Its 80% Zin from his small vineyard and 20% Syrah from Alonso Family Vineyards down the street. It's big and even a little tannic, due to the Syrah and a great food wine. I had it with Lamb and it stood up to the gamey and fatty lamb like a champ. I can see this wine aging for many more years and becoming softer and even more approachable.

Rating a wine is not for experts alone. This skill can be developed by anyone with enough practice and exposure and it starts with understanding the elements in winemaking, tasting and rating. There are basically 4 areas where wines are rated. These are appearance, aroma, taste and after taste.

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