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Señorío de Badajoz

Vintage: 2012

Varietal: Red Blend

Country: Spain

Appellation: C.Sauvignon, Tempranillo, Merlot

Produced By: Cosecha Extremena S.L.

Cases Produced: 5000 cs.

Alcohol Content: 0.99 %v/v



Intense cherry color and violet tones. Elegant aromas of licorice, blackberries and cherries, with funding from blue and pink flowers. Fresh wine in the mouth, with lively acidity and memories of licorice, flowers and berries The elegant balance between its sweet tannin and acidity makes this wine with pleasant on the palate and long finish. This wine can accompany from well seasoned salads to red meat and cooked rice through roasted.
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Rating a wine is not for experts alone. This skill can be developed by anyone with enough practice and exposure and it starts with understanding the elements in winemaking, tasting and rating. There are basically 4 areas where wines are rated. These are appearance, aroma, taste and after taste.

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